Essential' ProtectProblem-free frogs at last !

If your horse's frogs are in poor condition due to the presence of fungus or bacteria, we suggest you try our hoof spray ESSENTIAL' PROTECT.

ESSENTIAL' PROTECT is a 100% natural frog spray containing plant tinctures and pure essential oils selected for their soothing, antibacterial, antifungal and antifermentative properties.

ESSENTIAL' PROTECT thoroughly disinfects the sole, fights fungus, bacteria and other germs and limits fermentation while allowing the hoof to breathe.

ESSENTIAL' PROTECT will not make hooves dry. It is also very convenient to use. No more dirty hands with tar !!

Suggestions for use:
- for general maintenance, spray once or twice a week on the sole and frog thoroughly cleaned.
- for an established condition, spray once or twice a day on the sole and frog thoroughly cleaned.

Need more advice ? Contact us. We will be happy to help !


>> Click here to read more about ESSENTIAL' PROTECT